Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Saved by God.....

I was sick for 10 days, ummh actually 7 days in hospital
infected to dengue fever :s

It was 7 days full of pain, sorrow, and wound,
up to 39.7 Celsius fever, getting chills, sweating and cant sleep every night, headache, stomachache, can't get out of bed, even have to pee in the potty.
But you know, somehow I feel that I was awakened by God in such times.
I think a lot, lot(s) maybe, every minute every second.
Why do I get sick like this?
Is He has a plan for me?
Or maybe its just a warning for me?
Apparently God would tell me something.
He wants me to love myself more than anyone in this world.
He wants me to concern myself .
He wants me to take a break in the midst of my bussiness.
He made me realize to have more attention to my own health.
He knows I'm too tired,
even the most exhausted time was when I served Him in His Retreat,
until I don't have any time for a rest.

He has also made ​​me realize that I've family who loves me
and so many friends and people out there who loves me, cares for me
what a best feeling to know and realize it all.
I truly feel blessed, really really blessed, more than blessed.
God forgive me for still often complain and ask "Why God?" , "Why did happen to me?"
God forgive me because sometimes I still doubt Your plan
forgive me because I still don't love myself,
forgive me for my lack of respect for people around me
thanks for these 7 days, I really learned a lot.
From now on, I won't complain anymore
I just want to give thanks and gratitude,
for everything that God has given me
for everything that is good, all is good.
I swear I will love myself first,
just as God so loves me,
I love You my Jesus :)

"Behold, God is mine helper: the Lord is with them that uphold my soul"
-Psalms 54:4-

"The Lord will strengthen him upon the bed of languishing: thou wilt make all his bed in his sickness"
-Psalms 41:3-

"Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil:for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me"
-Psalms 23:4-

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