Sunday, April 15, 2012

when she becomes 20's . . .

How grateful I am to have such amazing people in my life,
who love and care of me so much.
Zillion thanks Jesus,
for a perfect family that I have,
who never tired of giving me their perfect love,
for so many friends who always have my back,
walk besides me,
always there when I needed them most,
have a million ways to make me smile,
even in the toughest storm in my life,
no matter what.
I don't even know what my life would be like without them.

How lucky I am :)
Thank God, for a year older,
I'm 20th now, no more teenager lol.
Wish that each dream may come alive this year *fingerscrossed ,
I will bring joy and happiness to those around me,
and become a better and better woman,
and uhmmm last but not least,
meet my truly soulmate <3
Thank you,
for the surprises, gifts, cakes and wishes!
You've really made my 20th Birthday,
Happiest Birthday ever!
Love love love you most! <33333


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