Monday, December 19, 2011

How Blessed is Our Country,
How I Love Indonesia! 

Toba Lake, North Sumatera 

Maninjau Lake, West Sumatera 

Kelimutu Lake, Flores 

Green Canyon, Pangandaran 

Mount Rinjani, Lombok 

Raja Ampat Island, Papua 

Belitung Island 

Sentani Lake, Papua 

Bunaken Marine Park 

Komodo Island 

Mount Jayawijaya, Papua 

Happy Birthday The Hardest Working Man!

I may be such your stubborn little girl
I do a lot of mistakes
but I hope you know that you're the best dad ever
you know, it's a blessing to have you as my dad in my life
you've taught me many things
you've taught me to follow my dreams
and don't let anyone stop me
to never give up
to be a strong and tough girl
to be who I am
you've taught me to stand up for my self
to be able to stand on my own
you let me fall and hurt,
but I know that you're always there behind me
supported and motivated me,
no matter what
thank you for all the blessings and life lessons you've taught me
Happy Birthday Dad!